SACMI Beverage ‘playing at home’ at CibusTec Parma

SACMI Beverage ‘playing at home’ at CibusTec Parma

Technology for the edible oil and canning sectors to take center-stage in Italy’s ‘food capital’: from FlexiKUBE labelers to Bag-In-Box and FFS (form-fill-seal) solutions, all the way to comprehensive plant engineering. In parallel, advanced customer assistance, from product idea to after-sales services, to go on show

At CibusTec - the leading beverage & food processing technology event for 80 years - visitors will soon be able to feast on the best zero-miles food technology (Fiere di Parma, 24-27 October 2023). From its nearby headquarters, SACMI Beverage will be bringing along state-of-the-art solutions, sure to be of interest to a segment that’s always looking for innovation, especially in terms of production versatility and environment-friendliness.

FlexiKUBE, the most versatile labeler on the market

The SACMI Beverage range of modular labelers plays a pivotal role on the market by providing solutions that are optimized both for high volumes and those medium-output lines on which format changeover speed/adaptability is a must.
With KUBE, SACMI takes the ability to handle diversified product mixes and frequent changeovers to the next level. The machine offers an effective plug&play approach, its modular framework letting manufacturers add a wide range of options over time (e.g. cold glue, hot melt, self-adhesive).
For example, this labeler is ideal for the edible oil and canning sectors, as it lets manufacturers use multiple technologies and labeling systems on a single platform: all with SACMI’s trademark reliability, low consumption and exceptional mechanical performance.
As part of the drive towards total quality control, the labeler also includes the optional LVS (labeling vision system) by SACMI Computer Vision, with exceptional user-friendliness and low maintenance smoothing its incorporation into existing lines.

SACMI Bag-In-Box, maximum product shelf-life, easier on the environment and on logistics

A long-standing, globally successful part of the SACMI range, Bag-In-Box packaging technology is increasingly popular as it reduces environmental and logistical costs.
Quality, of course, remains paramount: so it’s hardly surprising that SACMI solutions have received awards from key international players (in, for example, the wine and edible oil sectors) thanks to the first-rate product integrity and organoleptic qualities they provide.
One of the key quality indicators - measured according to strict international standards - is residual oxygen content in the bag, which can be a potential source of product oxidation: with SACMI BIB, it’s always less than 0.8 ppm (parts per million). Moreover, high filling precision (<0.3%) makes SACMI BIB ideal for filling premium products.
Bag-In-Box also has one of the greenest product volume/packaging quantity ratios. This simplifies logistics and reduces related costs while lowering transport-related emissions. It is, in fact, these environment-friendly packaging credentials that make it increasingly popular with Italian customers.

FFS (form-fill-seal): safe, high-performance and ready for the green transition

FFS is a SACMI solution for thermoforming, filling, sealing and labeling beverage, food and dairy containers. Safe, high-performance and flexible, the SACMI form-fill-seal line is a valuable ‘green transition’ ally as it focuses on the use of alternative resins for which a complete recycling chain has already been developed.
Thanks to design features that make it one of the highest-performing solutions on the market, SACMI FFS adapts to any type of commercially available resin (PS, PP, PET). Note that, from a recycling perspective, one of today’s key trends concerns the replacement of traditional PS with alternative resins such as PP and PET.
Designed for high productivity - up to 100,000 containers per hour - FFS offers exceptionally easy format changeovers and can be set up with different filling systems (hygienic, aseptic, ESL). It can also handle multilayer (PS base and PP base), hot fill (PP) and high transparency (PET) solutions.
To ensure the right investment decisions are always made, the SACMI technical team is there every step of the way, providing all the necessary consultation to ensure manufacturers move smoothly from one material to another or from a traditional format to a more innovative one, all while safeguarding customer-focused characteristics such as product shelf-life (barrier properties, etc.).

Complete plants and turnkey services

With twenty years of experience in designing complete plants – stretch-blow molding, filling, capping and labeling – SACMI is the only provider capable of overseeing the entire supply chain. It all begins with the ‘product idea’, which customers can co-develop with the new SACMI Packaging Center.
With SACMI Beverage, highly automated/integrated plants (latest innovations include the FEC, or full electronic capper) go hand in hand with ample scope for plant customization in order to meet specific production requirements. These advantages also extend to after-sales service thanks to the availability of new high-added-value assistance packages that allow proactive, predictive maintenance.

Visit us at CibusTec, Fiere di Parma, 24-27 October 2023, Hall 3 - Booth D 049 

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