Sistema de visión para la inspección de envases y botellas de plástico

Desde pequeños contenedores para aplicaciones oftálmicas hasta grandes botellas de detergente, una gama completa de sistemas de visión para el control de calidad


Sistema de visión para la inspección de envases y botellas de plástico


Vision system for the Quality Control of cylindrical plastic containers and bottles

Thanks to the use of 7 high-resolution cameras, CONTCHECK-360 is able to inspect all the features of the container, including walls, mouth and bottom. You can also include the module for reading the number of cavities in order to produce defect statistics by cavity, as well as discard containers produced by specific cavities. CONTCHECK-360 is easily integrated into any new or existing EBM or IBM line.


Vision system for the Quality Control of shaped plastic containers and bottles on EBM or IBM lines

Vision system for the inspection of shaped, transparent or opaque plastic containers or bottles. Fully configurable, up to 12 cameras, BVS101 can control all parts of the container, including mouth, thread, body and bottom. Easily integrated on existing EBM or IBM lines.


Vision system for the Quality Control of shaped plastic containers and bottles on SACMI CBF machine

Vision system for the inspection of shaped, transparent or opaque plastic containers or bottles. Fully configurable, up to 7 cameras, BVS152 can control all parts of the container: mouth, thread, body and bottom.

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